You feel like you're doing your best as an adult with ADHD or AuDHD, but life continues to be a struggle.
You feel like you're navigating life through a maze of distractions and obstacles. Every. Single. Day.
Others seem to effortlessly manage their careers, maintain healthy relationships, pursue their passions, and still have time for self-care and relaxation.
Yet simple tasks like organizing your schedule, prioritizing your to-do list, and following through on commitments feel overwhelming and draining.
You're exhausted by the constant struggle to keep up with the demands of daily life. The never-ending cycle of procrastination, impulsivity, and self-doubt associated with managing your ADHD symptoms keeps you feeling stuck, unable to move forward and reach your full potential.
This chaos leaves you feeling like you're always playing catch-up, never quite reaching your goals.
Work with me and transform your chaos into order and unlock your true brilliance!

Hey there! My name is Shane Thrapp, and I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach centered around Life, Relationships, and Career Development. I work to help people build personalized systems to manage life and understand their ADHD brains.
I'm more than just an ADHD Coach, I am also an Entrepreneur Coach, someone who takes your amazing idea and helps you turn it into an amazing business. On top of the work that I do for people and entrepreneurs with ADHD, I also help business have a better understanding of how their employees with ADHD work, and how they can empower them to do the work that they thrive in!
Through one-on-one coaching for adults with ADHD or Entrepreneurs with ADHD, public speaking, and corporate facilitation engagements, I share my story to combat assumptions, spotlighting my clients' resilience, strength, and passion. I also advocate for inclusive environments at home, in schools, and in our work, where all minds can thrive as themselves. I believe embracing each mind’s capabilities catalyzes greatness.
​As a certified ADHD coach and advocate, it’s my life’s passion to foster empowerment and understanding.
To see how we can work together, explore my services and book a Free Discovery Call Today!
Check Out An Amazing New Tool For Your Children with ADHD and Autism!
Recently I came across a new support tool for children with ADHD and Autism and I wanted to share it with all of you.
The company is called Hero Journey Club and they provide an amazing resource for our children who have ADHD and/or Autism to develop social skills, learn how to use their unique brains, and develop coping mechanisms for a lot of the struggles that they have.

The goal is not perfection; the goal is persistence.
Moving forward, upward, outward.
Constantly working to make incremental change
that is sustainable and long-lasting.
We must work to understand that we are unique.
Part of our healing process must include
learning to accept us for who we are.
Not striving for a non-existent ideal of "normal."
If you're struggling to find your way, or if you need help and support putting in place the tools you need to manage ADHD, contact me today!